- Southampton High School
- New Materials
Crowder, Alaina (Library Media Specialist)
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New e-books!
We have received free access to 30 e-books through ABDO Digital. They are located at http://my.abdodigital.com/login/ and can be accessed from any device at school or home. See me for the username and password. The titles are:
YouTube; the company and its founders
Randolph Caldecott; renowned British illustrator
Lady Gaga; pop singer & songwriter
The capture and killing of Osama bin Laden
Illegal immigration
Living with ADHD
How to analyze the films of George Lucas
The Bermuda Triangle
Civil War leaders
Ebola outbreak
Edward Snowden; NSA whistle blower
Energy technology
How the light bulb changed history
The Kennedys
Man out of time, part 3
Minnesota Vikings
Online identity
Women in business
Battles of World War I
The Becoming #1
Bringing Back Our Oceans
Civil Rights Sit-Ins
Class Mobility
Drake: Hip-Hop Superstar
Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls
Oklahoma State Cowboys
The USS Arizona Story