• Bonjour! 3241/p1467248221_510.jpg


    Bienvenue à la classe de français! 

    [Welcome to French class!]


  • Mrs. Hand's schedule for 2019-2020:

    Le Lycee {HIGH SCHOOL} - class levels vary each semester and by class period. Check the colofrul schedule that you were given on the first day {NOT the ones mailed over the summer or given out at open house} for the correct block.

    • Semester 1:
      • block 1 - French 3 &4
      • block 2 - French 1
      • block 3 - French 2  {?? lunch}
      • block 4 - planning
    • Semester 2:
      • block 1 - French 1
      • block 2 - French 2 
      • block 3 - planning
      • block 4 - French 3 & 4


    Please email me if you have any questions about French class or your child's performance in class [jhand@southampton.k12.va.us]. You may also call the high school office (757-653-2751) and leave a message - I will return your call as soon as possible. In addition to interim reports and parent/teacher conference dates, I will send frequent reminders via text and/or emaill using  Remind messages to parents [and students] who supply an email address at the beginning of each semester. You may also sign up using your phone {for texts and/or emails} following the instructions sent home the first day of class.

    Next year [2020-2021]: depends on student scheduling requests/demands in the spring.