• Quizlet.com is a website that allows students to practice their Word Masters words and definitions.  All you have to do is search mleinart13 to find each grade level's pre-made word lists.

    If you choose to you can download the Quizlet app for your mobile device.  I have created an account that students use in class and can use at home as well.  The username is leinartgifted and the password is practice.  After logging in, they can search (by clicking on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner) mleinart13.  They must then click on the "users" tab to find it.

    Once on Quizlet, either by app or website, students can practice their Word Masters words and meanings by playing various games, using digital flashcards or completing practice tests.  As always, if you have any questions, please call or email me!