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Story of the Week:
October 24-28, 2016 "Old Yeller" Weekly Vocabulary
Students will be tested on their weekly story on Wednesdays. Interactive Achievement Tests, or weekly skills test, are given on Thursdays.
*romp-an energetic or noisy way to play
*picturing-creating a mental image of something
*frantic-wild with excitement or worry
*lunging-making a sudden forward movement
*stride-the rhythm of your walking and length of your steps
*checking-limiting or controlling something
*wheeled-to turn quickly
*shouldered-carried the weight
*strained-stretched to the limit
Skill lesson:Character
Weekly Language Skills:Sentence and fragment, Four Types of Sentences
Four Types of Sentences: Decalarative-makes a statement, Exclamatory-say with strong feeling or excitement, Interrogative-asks a question, Imperative-gives a command or makes a request.
Complete Subject-tells WHO or WHAT the sentence is about
Complete Predicate-tells what the SUBJECT is DOING
Simple Subject-the ONE word in the complete subject that tells the noun.
Simple Predicate-the ONE word in the complete predicate that tells the verb.
Nouns-A person, place, or thing. Proper noun-A specific person, place, or thing
Ex. Riverdale Elementary School, Mrs. Brown, Redskins Common Noun-any person,
place, or thing. Ex. school, teacher, football team
Word Study- No word study this week.
SOL terminology:
Author's Purpose- why an author writes a story or passage (think about the intended audience) PIE-Persuade (try to convince someone to do something or believe a certain way) , Inform (gives information about something) , Entertain Humorous or funny; can also be something that you just enjoy)
Cause and Effect-Cause tells WHY something happened and Effect tells WHAT happened.
Predict-To guess what the story will be about and to tell whata you think might happen next
Story Structure-Characters, Setting, and Plot (Problem & Solution)
Summarizing-To tell the important parts of a text in your own words.
Setting-The time and place in which a story takes place.
Character-the people or animals in a story or nonfiction article.
Visualizing-Froming a picture in your mind about what you read.
Text Structure-how a piece of writing is organized. Types include: Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution, Fact/Opinion, Question/Answer, Main Idea/Supporting Details
Graphic Sources-charts, graphs, maps, diagrams, tables, lists, time lines, and scale drawings are all examples of graphic sources.
Questioning-creating questions about what you are going to read about and locating answers if included in the story(the Ah, Ha! moment).