• Welcome to Mrs. Warren's 5th Grade Class


      Welcome to our class website.  I am co-teaching with Mrs. Karen Sledge. She  teaches Math, Science, and VA Studies. I teach Reading/Language Arts. This includes: reading, grammar, spelling and writing and VA Studies!

    Each week we will send home a newsletter informing you of the skills and objectives we will be working on in class. Also, we use an online classroom manangement system called Class Dojo. With this, we give points daily that the students have to earn. We are working on monthly goals. The goal is usually 40 points, with them earning 10 points per week. We will have a big reward for those that earned it at the end of the month. They also lose points if they are not following class/school rules. We reset points on Monday so they are able to start fresh weekly. This system also allows us to communicate with you through email or an app on your smartphone. If you haven't signed up, please do so. Let us know if you don't have the information and we will send it home again by way of your child. If there are any concerns, please feel free to send a note or email me (if you do not have Dojo!) at aprilwarren@southampton.k12.va.us.

    Thank you for your support.

    Mrs. April Warren


    Let's go soaring EAGLES!!!!!!! SchoolCenter Picture