- Southampton Middle School
- Read 180 syllabus
Hatch, Laura (Grade 6 Language Arts Teacher)
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Mrs. Hatch - Read 180 6th Grade and 7th Grade
(75 7) 653-9250 Southampton Middle School
2011-2012 School Year
Room 11
Welcome back to school! I am excited about our journey together this year!
Read 180 is an intensive reading intervention program designed to meet the needs of students whose reading achievement is below the proficient level. The program directly addresses individual needs through adaptive and instructional software, high-interest literature, and direct instruction in reading and writing skills.
The following outlines the details of class requirements and expectations for all students taking Read 180.
Students are expected to follow all classroom rules and procedures, as well as the school-wide policies for behavior.- Always do your best! Make learning your top priority. Stay focused and on task.
- Arrive on time and be prepared. (4 tardies=1 absence)
- Follow directions.
- Raise your hand to speak. (don't talk while the teacher is teaching)
- Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.
- Stay in your seat or work area.
- Be responsible. Take care of equipment and return materials to the proper place.
All students in this class will:
∑ Improve reading comprehension and writing skills
∑ Take genuine pleasure in reading and writing
Read 180 is a reading and writing intervention program that aims to raise student reading and writing levels, as well as academic achievement. It includes the following components:
∑ Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)The Scholastic Reading Inventory is a computer-based test that assesses student reading level for program placement. The students will take the test several times throughout the year to measure progress.
∑ Computers
Students use topics on the computer to practice reading comprehension, spelling, proofreading and word attack skills. Each topic guides the students through a variety of activities including a video, the Reading Zone, Word Zone and Spelling Zone. Students must complete activities in each zone in order to reach the Success Zone and move to the next reading passage.
Students will be expected to:
1. Sit in the assigned area.
2. Log on as soon as they get to the computer.
3. Start in the reading zone and try to work some in each zone (reading, word, and spelling zones)
4. You will not be able to get into the Success Zone until you master all 3 zones.
5. Make sure you read clearly and fluently into the microphone.
6. Other than recording your passages and words, there should be NO TALKING. If students have questions or problems, they must raise their hand.
8. Do not play with or adjust backgrounds or settings on the computer
9. NEVER touch anyone else’s equipment!!!
10. Log off quickly and be ready to move
Reading Area (Audio and Paperback Books), Reading Counts Quizzes
Students read in class everyday. Students select books and chart their progress in a reading log. Writing activities accompany each book, and students complete them as they are reading. Students use the Reading Counts program to take quizzes on the computer. When a student completes a book and its writing activities, she/he takes a quiz to test knowledge of the book. Students must reread the book and re-take the quiz if they score less than 70 percent.
Students will be expected to:
1. Bring their folder, reading log, and pencil
2. Find your book (or audiobook) quickly, quietly, and sit down. NO TALKING!
3. Once you start a book, you need to finish it. Don’t skip around with the books
4. Make sure you are actively reading. Also, you must track the words in the audiobook as you listen. This will help improve your reading. Otherwise, you’re just using listening skills.
5. SIT UP while you read. NO SNOOZING!
6. Make sure to fill out your reading log EVERY DAY! It will be graded once a week. Each day will be worth 20 points. Comments/notes must be specific information about what you’ve read. If a student is absent, they are responsible for writing absent in their log. If they do not write anything, then it will be 0 points for that day.
7. Put your book back in the correct spot.
8. Once you finish a book, let the teacher know so you can take the test. You will have 3 opportunities to take and pass the test. If you do not pass it the first time, then reread the book and take the test again.
Small and whole group ( Mini-Lessons/Quizzes)
Teacher-led mini-lessons focus on reading strategies and skill practices, and quizzes are given to gauge student understanding.
Students are expected to:
1. Have rbook, notebook, folder, and pencil.
2. Participate and follow directions of teacher.
1. Upon entering class, you should get your supplies for class (rbook, notebook, folder, and pencil) and go immediately to your seat. Then you should complete the Bellwork/ DoNow assignment posted on the board. You will have 5 minutes to finish.
2. Pencils should be sharpened before class begins. If your pencil breaks, quietly raise your pencil and I will permit you to sharpen it when the time is appropriate.
3. Please wait until the end of class to throw away any and all trash in the trashcan.
4. Please use the restroom in between classes. In cases of emergency, you will be permitted to go when there is a break in instruction.
5. Please do not begin packing belongings for until instructed to do so. When the bell rings, you are not to leave your seat until I dismiss you.
6. Please be respectful of everyone in class as well as their belongings.
7. Please also refer to the Southampton Middle School Handbook for guidelines and policies.
∑ Pencils with erasers (to be brought to class each day)
∑ Please also provide a pack of 24 to be left in classroom for use when needed
∑ Highlighters
∑ POCKET FOLDER WITH PRONGS (plastic ones last longer)
∑ One subject notebook (green if possible)
∑ Earphones/earbuds for use in cd players in order to listen to audiobooks. (We will start this later in the year) Also, if anyone has any cd players that they would like to donate to the class please send them in. Thank you.
All students are responsible for reading at least 20-30 minutes each night. All work is to be completed in class. If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for completing the missed work upon their return. Homework may be assigned on occasion. Homework that is assigned will reinforce class work.
Reading Log-10%
Reading Counts-10%
Small/whole group-15%
Computer work-30%- Vocabulary = 5%,
- Comprehension = 10%,
- Context = 5%
- Spelling = 5%
- Word fluency = 5%
A (100-93)
B (92-85)
C (84-77)
D (76-70)
F (69 and below)
Students who exhibit appropriate behavior and meet classroom expectations will be rewarded in a variety of ways. Such rewards include verbal praise, positive phone calls, and letters home.
Treats will be given on Mondays for those who have successfully passed reading counts quizzes (70% or better) and successfully completed the success zone on the computer (comprehension scores should be 80% or better. Each student will be working at the appropriate level based on their SRI score.).
Students who do not follow the appropriate guidelines for behavior and who do not meet classroom expectations will incur the following consequences in sequential order:1. Warning (verbal or name on board)
2. note / phone call home
3. referral to Admin.
Parents are encouraged to communicate with me via telephone at school(757)653-9250 and/or via e-mail: lhatch@southampton.k12.va.us
The instructor reserves the right to make additions, changes, and deletions to the syllabus during the course of the year.Send signed portion in and keep the other part for your records.
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand everything in the Read 180 course expectations.
STUDENT NAME _____________________________________________
STUDENT SIGNATURE_________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME _____________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE________________________________
DATE _______________________________________________________